Friday, July 28, 2006

Travel Safe - 11 Travel Tips!

When traveling many things can and do go wrong. Following a few
simple rules could help prevent many of those problems fellow
travelers encounter on the road.

Problems that could mean you spend time:

· At the police station filling reports.

· Locked in your hotel room, scared it will happen again.

· Leaving with bad memories and a dislike of the local people.

· Replacing items lost, that can cost you lots of money.

· Or just totally annoyed, ruining your holiday.

So what can you do? Here are a few tips for staying safe and
still enjoying your holiday!

Common Sense

The single most important tool for traveling safe! You're in
foreign land, meeting new people, walking down strange roads,
eating and drinking new things. Use your common sense, if it
doesn't feel right - do something about it.

Carry Only What You Need

If you are heading out on the town to discover new bars or
taking photos at the local fish market, do you really need to
carry your passport, travelers cheques, excess cash, visa card,
American express card, plane tickets etc? Take what YOU need and
leave the rest in the hotel safe. Better to lose a little,
rather then everything.

Spread It All Out

A good tip is to place a small amount of money in a few
different bags/pockets. By doing this, if you happen to lose a
bag, visa card or money, you will still have something there to
keep you going until it can be resolved.

Two Credit Cards

Many couples traveling will have 2 credit cards, both accessing
the same account. The problem here is if one is lost, you have
to cancel the account, meaning the 2nd card is no longer valid.
So think about getting two cards, each accessing separate
accounts. If hubby loses his, the wife will still have a fully
functioning credit card so you can continue traveling.

Hold Your Bags and Cameras

A big thing now is bag/camera snatching. To prevent this
happening to you, make sure you wear the backpack on your back.
Sling your camera over your head and shoulder. Walk on the
pavement; motorbikes and cars can't drive here! If you leave
your bag/camera dangling of one shoulder, someone WILL grab it!

Empty Your Back Pockets

Most guys (and some girls) will place their wallets in the back
pocket of their jeans or shorts making them an easy target for
pick pockets. Change your habit, place money/wallets in the
front pockets or perhaps buy a bum bag (bags that strap around
your waist). Out of sight, out of mind!

Scams and Scams

We have all read about the different scams that people have
fallen for. Truth is, people continue to fall for them! Why?
Because the scammers are professionals, it's their job and their
good at it. In most countries, the local people will be kind,
courteous and helpful. Use your common sense. If unsure, leave.
Or try asking other travelers, locals or hotel staff for advice.

Their Smarter

One of the problems people have when traveling, is that they
think they are smarter than the scammers, robbers and pick
pockets. The sad reality is; your wrong, THEY ARE SMARTER!
Remember, these people do it for a living. This is how many of
them feed themselves and their families. They are pro's and very
good at their craft.

Lock it

If you use a small backpack or day bag when wondering the
streets or local markets, buy a small padlock and use it.
Instantly, would be pickpockets will be put of. If you are like
me and continually lose the keys, trying using a small
D-Shackle, like they use in rock climbing. It doesn't lock;
rather it acts as a deterrent for unwanted hands getting into
your bag. D-Shackles can be brought at most sport shops or large
supermarkets for just a few dollars

Opportunity Knocks

Many of the problems outlined above happen only when travelers
let their guard down. The basic rule of thumb is - you give them
the opportunity, they will grab it with both hands!


The most important aspect for any traveler, ENJOY your travels!
Being paranoid will have you locked in a hotel room. Prepare,
use your common sense and then get out there, meet the locals,
try the food and have fun.

About the author:
Adam Hurley has lived and worked in South East Asia for more
than 5 years. Visit him at or

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